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Sunday, May 9, 2010

Color coderation

I think I will one day create a program which can sense emotion as the writer types on their lappy. I believe that this is possible because different emotions cause electrical signals from different parts of the brain. If you can trace the signal it is possible to discover the emotion, maybe. The emotions will then be displayed as various colors.

Blue: Sadness has overcome me

Red: I'm hella pissed and someone needs to hear about it

Yellow: I'm unsure as to whether or not the person I'm talking to likes me so I'm going to write an an obscure color with a white background so the reader must squint or get close to their computer to read it. That way if they continue to read my messages I know they are dedicated to our relationship. (thank you readers)

Green: I'm envious of your newest coolest thing in the world

Orange: This is my happy face, the color orange is always happy and tastes happy too.

Pink: Spoken softly, I'm feeling a bit shy at the moment

Brown: I'm being bold, like a hero, I will save you from the horrors of the internet.

Purplesaurus Rex: I love you, you love me, we're a happy family (or will be one day, after-all, we're in love)

Greyish: Sarcasm, quite possibly the most important because no one likes when you can't tell if someone is really upset with you...or if they are just messing around.

Black: Pretty darn classic, or undecided, or boring, who knows? It's a mystery matter of fact it is an absence of color, so I'm probably feeling nothing.

White: I'm such a mess of emotion that you can't even see me right now!! I'm feeling everything...because I'm all colors at this moment.

This program will stop the confusion that can be spread through text in conversation. It will probably save many relationships and win me some sweet awards or something awesome.

Yup, this is going to be my new invention. It will make me a lot of money. That pleases me. You will probably all be really jealous and quite possibly upset, which makes me sad because I don't want that. So I will make it affordable so everyone remains pleasant and then no one will be angry.

This joins my list of good ideas...right next to Bottom of the Bowl Milk and Glow in the dark Gum (may have already been created)


  1. Oh wow. This is definitely your best post to date. And, btw, I read the yellow. And the white. Doesn't mean I love you, though. Highlighting's a bitch ;)

  2. Glad you enjoyed it and I appreciate the effort.

  3. Orange tastes happy... something I never realized but totally agree with!

  4. Yup, the color orange is probably one of my favorite flavors.

  5. Hello there. I'm your Bloggerstock guest blogger for May. Was a little unsure of how to contact you as I couldn't find an e-mail address, so here I am, contacting you. Where do you want me to send my post? My e-mail is Let me know :)

  6. I love it. Best idea I've read to date. :)
